Seminole High School | 2701 Ridgewood Ave, Sanford, FL 32773 | April 1, 2017 | 10am-5pm
Prom & Homecoming Dress Give-A-Thon
Do you remember how important your high school prom or homecoming was? However, the reality for others is that their family has to choose necessity of shelter and food over a lasting memory in a teenage girls’ life. The C.A.M.P. is taking away the dress stress by giving away over 1,800 FREE Prom dresses donated by Lone Star College in Cypress, TX!
Heath Fair
In America we have seen the lasting effects that adolescent obesity can have on the body. The rate of obesity has sharply risen over the last 30 years for the age range of 12- 19 by 21%, per the CDC.gov. A health fair and healthy lifestyle information is a vital part of the C.A.M.P's efforts to help girls everywhere accept their imPerfections!
We would like to thank our sponsors!!